Thursday, February 3, 2011


I love Egypt. It started with an art assignment, which spread to Africa, which eventually narrowed itself down to Egypt.

With the recent revolts happening in the streets of Cairo, I can't help but follow. As a journalism student, it's a great reason to watch the news.

Here's a great article by CBC that explains the story.
Basically, my understanding is that after 30 years with the same ruler, and the caste system getting worse, many Egyptians are tired of being forced to live the way they do. So, they did what anyone in this generation would do; organize a peaceful protest. Through the use of Facebook and Twitter (of which I'm not usually a fan), people organized a protest to happen in the streets of the country's capital, Cairo. Soon it became less peaceful as police used water cannons and tear gas to rid the streets of the protesters. Sure enough, things escalated. Their president has informed everyone he will not run in the next election, some seven months from now, but will remain in office until then. This has the country divided as supporters have now not only joined the throng, but with increased tensions, the two sides have begun to physically fight each other.

This would be considered a man-made disaster, I guess. However, it'll be interesting to see the results from around the world. School trips have been cancelled, journalists have been captured, and the streets of Cairo are a disaster. Lives from every side have been taken. All because people were tired of the way they were living and tried to take their voice back; the only way they knew how, and the only way that would be effective.

I'm not sure why God put Egypt on my heart, I'm really not. But I know I love it, think about it every day, and may have more then I know waiting for me. Egypt is one of the most-referenced countries in the Bible. It's obviously important. So for now, all I can do is pray while I wait upon the Lord.

To end, here's a song that comes back to me time and time again.

"While I'm Waiting" -John Waller- from the movie FIREPROOF

PS. How does Egypt's revolt affect the rest of the world? This is what I just learned: China has blocked Egypt tweets. Perhaps they're afraid of their own revolt? Read the article here: