Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Tradeshow, tv interviews, and the feeling of acomplishment

What a day!

Yesterday was the Summer Company trade show.
My table! Sweet Dear0ne sign, aprons, earrings, headbands, giraffes...
Because (I know, NEVER start a sentence with 'because') Dear0ne offered more than just a service, I was able to fill my allotted table with goodies!

The Summer Company tradeshow was my first official market that I've brought Dear0ne to (aside from Etsy, of course!), and what an experience! Imagine a group of  a dozen students, between the ages of mid-teen to late twenties all sharing space under a tent to promote their entrepreneurial endeavors. Add some media, some local politicians, and some food, and you've got yourself quite a show! The purpose of the show, I'm lead to believe is to give those of trying our hands as entrepreneurs an opportunity to be out in the pubic promoting ourselves. For someone like me, who does enjoy talking and (although I rarely admit it) isn't a terrible salesperson when it's something I'm passionate about, a trade show where I get to do just that, ends up being actually somewhat enjoyable.

And to boot, I even had some sales! I got one of the other Summer Co. students to make me up some business cards, so I had a few opportunities to pass those out as well! And to top it all off, my boss even asked me to write the story up on it! Here's the published version, and I read it all day on the radio stations too! I did two tv interviews, one for Cogeco and one for Now, anyone who was around me during the time we worked on tv stories for school knows how I feel about being in front of the camera. For those who don't, I'd rather walk around with a paper bag over my head. The very idea of it freaks me out, and while I'm okay BEHIND the camera, being ON CAMERA is something completely different. Quite simply, I'm not a fan. So it was a big deal for me to gather the courage to do an interview in front of a camera not just once, but twice.

Regardless. I gained a ton of confidence in my items and Dear0ne (people actually bought my items! And they loved it!), was able to get some free promotion, and gained some ideas of what people are actually looking for. And I'm just buzzing with ideas of things I want to make now.

You who read this, if you have any ideas for new (or different) items, especially ones for back-to-school, please pass your ideas on to me! I'm always looking for clever ideas to appease my customers!

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