After last night's election and all the hubub that went along with it, I was really curious to see what God had to say about people in power. I've spent much of this election talking to people about who they support and why, and I've found that it really depends on the person. I've found lots of "If for no other reason, I'm voting for this person/party because..." and lots of "If for no other reason, I'm NOT voting for this person/party because..." I've talked to Liberal supporters, Conservative supporters, a Green Party supporter, and even sat with NDP supporters while we waited for the election results. What I really don't understand is how, even after the results, people can still say that Harper was wrong to say that no one wanted this election, or that I'm wrong when I tell them the word on the street was that Iggy was loosing support. I followed the polls, but I talked to people. I listened to their reasons and watched the debate. But the worst was the arrogance of the people who told me their vote wouldn't make a difference anyways, so they're not even going to try. In my riding, the Liberals and Conservatives were separated by only 14 votes. If 14 of those apathetic people had gone out and voted, we could be looking at a very different representation. But here's what God has to say on the subject;
" Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."-Romans 13:1-2
I guess that just about sums it up, doesn't it?!
*On one final note, here's the article I wrote about the NDP post-election party!! My first published freelance job!
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