Why do I write about this? I guess I should explain. While looking up quilt stories, I came across this one; The Gracie Jane Project. ( http://thegraciejaneproject.blogspot.com/) Seeing as my nieces' names are Grace and Julia, I had to check it out. What followed was an emotional journey as I learned about one woman's ability to give back while doing something she loved- something I'd been turning over and over in my mind for awhile. Then, I happened to stumble upon this organization- Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS). http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/)

They take professional memory photos to help the parents remember their child and grieve for them, if their child will never have a life outside the hospital. I think of my twin nieces, and how tiny they were when they were born. And I'm so grateful they were perfect (small, but perfect), and only needed to spend a little extra time in the hospital to grow.
Here's a link that describes the organization a bit and the session available for parents/ families.
I keep thinking about how difficult and emotionally taxing it would be to photograph
someone(s) in a moment of such intense grief. But you know, if it were me, I'd love to have someone be willing to take photos of my child. I'm a photo person- I need one or three of every exciting (or not so exciting) moment. I think the reward of knowing you were able to aid in the overcoming of grief for someone would overcome your own emotions.
On a side note, here's the song that's been calling to me while I write this post. Jesus, Lover of my Soul- Kari Jobe
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