I tried telling a story with some of the cut-out shapes (which is when he decided ripping the heads off things was fun). Apparently Goldilocks and the three bears isn't as interesting as I thought it was.
My teddy bear looks more like the wolf when it ate Grandma. Yes, that's the shape of a person on it's flattened belly.

After my failed storytelling attempt, I saw a photo of a car on the box. Thinking I could make something like that with my limited skills, I made a cute little red car. Now, if there's one thing my nephew loves, it's cars. His bed is full of them because he can never seem to just take one to bed. When he realized I had a car and he didn't, he insisted I make one for him as well. (Of course, I should have guessed that playdoh cars would start a new trend...) It didn't take long before we were racing our cars across the table and crashing them into things. The problem started when my
nephew would begin to squeeze the life out of his car, thereby not only elongating it, but also causing it to lose one (or more) of it's wheels. Eventually we just had to make trucks with back-up wheels. The point of this story? Little boys are hilarious. And Aunties should always know how to play with cars. (And even how to build them if necessary!
Our conversations went something like this:
Him: Vroom! CRASH! Hahahahaha....
Me: Did you just smash my car?
Him: Hahahaha...
Our cars were amazing... mine was the red convertible...

Also, for those of you wishing to make your own classy playdoh cars, here's how it goes:
Step one: Create a rectangular prism. Your discresion as to how long, wide, tall or squarish.
Step two: Flatten one end slightly to create a windshield.
Step three: Flatten the other side to create the back. This is where you can make it a truck, or a convertible, or a bug.... just by how far down you flatten it.
Step four: Create four (or five if you want a spare) little ball and get your kid to press their thumb right in the middle.
Step five: Squish the tires onto the car and you're ready to Vroom!!
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