Sunday, December 18, 2011
Giveaway Update
Congrats to our winners so far;
Lisa-Anne who won a pair of feather earrings
Leah who won a pair of button earrings
and Sarah who won a headband from the shop or a custom designed one!
There's still on prize left! Get your names in!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Giveaway time!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
On sharing things of our heart (again)
I cried again. My friend mentioned she and her husband were starting to look into adoption agencies and my eyes welled up. I had to tell her they were happy tears so she'd understand the pain in my heart. I don't know why God has given me a heart for those who need a family. I watch movies and I cry, I see a donation box at Wendy's and I cry, I see ads and I cry, and I hear people tell me they're looking into adoption and I cry. They're not all sad, there are tears of joy when I think of who will become part of our family. But there has to be more to it than tears.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
On sharing things of our heart.
I cried in church this week. It was Orphan Sunday. They showed a video with happy children and words about loving, caring for, adopting orphans. Words about the way our Lord loves, cares for, adopts us. I cried. My husband noticed and knew why I was wiping my eyes. My heart was so moved I couldn'd sing during worship. I mean, this time I actually wanted to, and couldn't.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
On hiatuses and learning about outside, inside
But I felt I should share a post I wrote for class (each week we make posts on our class's blog. It's a pretty cool concept, I think). This week we watched a film titled 'Indecent Exposure.' It was a documentary-like film about racism and stereotypes, and a seminar that one woman puts on to try to break them down. Here's what struck me the most;
This video made me want to cry, scream and shake someone. I was hurt, I was moved and as much as I began to loath what the woman was doing to the blue eyes, it certainly got me thinking. The one point that stood out to me the most was when one of the blue eyes began talking about how he didn't see himself as a 'blue eye boy.' He got attacked for his statement, and one of the brown eyes told him he should see people as brown eyes because it's what makes him who he is. I agreed, claiming you're colourblind can be demeaning. And then came the moment I had waited for. Without any words, a clip was shown of the blue-eye walking out of his house with his children. And they definitely weren't blue eyes.
In that context, when someone says 'i don't see myself as white/ brown/black/ yellow/ etc' or 'i don't see you as white/brown/black/yellow/etc,' they don't mean it to be offensive. they're not saying they don't value who you are, but that regardless of their skin colour, they're still a person. Dave and I, one day, want to adopt. One of the first questions we get asked when we tell people is 'from where?' We tell them from where ever we are. It doesn't matter to us if we have little brown babies or little black babies or little white babies. They'll still grow up to be children, teens and adults. Our families like to joke about how we'll have the 'colourful' family (we are the only siblings on Dave's side who don't have children of our own yet). We love the idea that we'll have children that need a home- from where ever God sees fit.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
One more day.
Sometimes, I get super-discouraged. Like when a friend tells me my house is messy, and I know it is because I didn't clean it before they came over because I didn't think they'd care. Or when someone on the bus gets angry and starts cursing out the bus driver when he tells him that no, he can't do the very thing I wanted to do.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
THANK YOU for supporting aid in the horn of Africa through Dear0ne!!
Dear Ones, THANK YOU for supporting aid in the horn of Africa through your purchases from Dear0ne!!
Dear Stephanie, Thank you for filling the cup!
Your donation provides critical ongoing support in the fight against global hunger. More children will receive nutritious meals at school and more disaster victims will get the lifesaving food they need. Right now we are struggling to reach children in need in the Horn of Africa, and your contribution will help ensure that more of them get at least one good meal today.
You can be assured that your gift will immediately be put to good use. For every dollar you give, we can provide four healthy meals.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart -- and on behalf of the people whose lives you are changing.
Together, we are building a world without hunger.
Manager, Online Community
World Food Programme
If you have questions about your donation at any time, please feel free to contact us at
Kindly note that refunds must be requested within 60 days of the original donation date. Please send your donation information and explanation for the request to
Friday, August 19, 2011
On death, and living despite it
This is my gram and my cat. The only two 'people' I've lost and have dreamt about, gone through the stages of grief about, and most of all, miss like crazy. I remember once I woke from a dream about Callie (the beautiful calico) and finally was able to place why, in my dream, I had felt as if I hadn't seen her in so long. And my grandmother, Elda. I wish I had her now. I didn't appreciate the little things while she was around as much as I would now. I'm more like her now than I ever was. Just little interests that have sprung up or developed. How many times I've wished I could just sit at her chair and listen and talk with her about Egypt, or sewing, or how she wasn't the one to teach me to knit because she was gone before I took a serious interest in it. Or how, at the time, I drank the peppermint tea she gave me only because it meant I could drink a grown-up-drink with her (or at least, that's how I seem to remember it. My memories are a bit foggy over certain details), and now, how I made a special trip with my grandfather just to harvest some of the mint that's grown by the edge of their driveway for as long as they've lived there and likely even before. I think part of it was that they both were sick before they died. And I was there, caring for them when they could barely do it themselves. I remember going home for reading week and getting up with my dad every couple hours to care for my grandmother. I know she wouldn't want me remembering her like that, but it's part of it. She was so frail, and yet she still had her sense of humour. She could barely talk and yet she'd try to make jokes in the early morning hours.
Or Callie, who was born on the farm. I remember it well as it was one of my first experiences with childbirth, and I was the first one to know when they were born. And even though I had wanted to keep her brother, she became 'my' cat, the one who curled up with me at night, and the one who I loved more dearly than any other. She too, took sick and eventually died. We never were sure what of, she just slowly wasted away in front of us. But she lasted until my wedding day. She, like the other pets, was decked out in finery.
And I don't reminisce to be sad, more to keep on. To remember the way things were, and to keep going on, knowing what I once had, and how it's shaped me to who I am. I could tell seemingly endless stories, and maybe one day I will write them all down. But for now, I have my photos, and my packages of hand-harvested mint in my tea cupbard.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A new item and a new lesson!
I've been working on a new item to add the the shop.
Here's a sneak peek.
And here's what I learned today;
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
Yay! More reasons to sew!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Oh yes I did!
SO, here's my remedy.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
On lessons learned and lessons learning
Last year I had a rough week. If it were my first time at camp I probably never would have gone back. Thankfully I knew camp wasn't always like that, and the struggles I faced were far from common. But it was a
I'm glad this week wasn't full of painful growth, but rather smaller ones that you don't even notice are happening until they're over. Like last year, there were some things God and I needed to work out, but these were more personal, rather than things that dealt with others. Of course, they tie into things between myself and others, but not as large as before. For example, on the way to camp I had a wonderful opportunity to sit with a friend who, at the time, was more of an aquaintance. We talked, and music seemed to be a big topic. You see, I'm kind of.... particular when it comes to worship. I shy away from crowds, and find it very difficult to enter into real and true worship when I'm in a crowd of people. But, apparently that makes me odd and is something I need to work on. As is the song choice. I HATE religiosity. And part of that to me is 'worshipping' falsely or pretending to worship by going along with what everyone else is doing. Coincidentally, it seems to happen with a couple very popular songs, and people get upset when I tell them I don't like them. But when I try to explain my reasons (and there seem to be a few), I get told to either deal with it, pray about it, or get over it. As if I haven't tried. But I realized something this week. Worship, to me, needs to be meaniful. It can be fun or serious, but is NEVER forced. So maybe I can't worship God during the music in church. Maybe instead I worship Him in my devotion to Him, or the way I act with people, or the things I can do with my hands. Maybe instead of being in a church I'm in my car, or in the bathroom, or alone in my room with the world locked outside.
As a councillor, you're in charge of roughly a dozen girls for the week. You and your co-councillor are surrogate moms, big sisters and aunties for the week, and by the end you have so much love in your heart for these girls you don't want them to leave. This week one girl asked me about my family. My brother's not a Christian, and she wanted to know if I was worried that when I got to heaven he wouldn't meet me there. I told her I was every. single. day. And she looked at me as if understanding that she wasn't the only one in the world who had a struggle inside her home as well. When I relayed the story to my husband, I was in tears. School brings about different types of friendships, and in this case, two men who I never would have suspected to take up so much space in my heart. One tells me hey's gay, and doesn't understand how the bible can be good if people do so many bad things in it's name. I tell him people are bad, not the Bible, and that peope not only use other holy books, but also use religion as an excuse because they already believe it causes conflicts. He tells me he loves god, but religious people make him afriad of religion. I tell him it's not a people-created religion he needs but a RELATIONSHIP. Mid-way through our texting conversation I break into tears and ferocisouly tell my husband how much I hate this world and that when I get to Heaven I'm going to dance so that every step is like a step on satan's head. I have NEVER hated him more at this moment than I have before. I see first-hand the kind of deciet and lies he's fed into my friend's head, and I am furious. Part of it is the spiritual high I'm on, but most of it is just the love I've recieved from God this week. I do not understand how I can love my boys so much and I tell my husband my two friends may as well have been born from my parents, my love for them is so great. How can my love be so great for someone that does things I hate, that doesn't understand that Christ-following is about LOVE, not HATE or PERSECUTION, and that my joy, my love, all comes from the one who gave up everything for me to know it??
It saddens me to see the hurt in this world. I hear and see people travel all over the world looking for someone to help. My heart longs to be in Egypt, but I know that God has put me in a place, surrounded by ones I love for that very reason. To love them. To show them, not just tell them, that yes, Jesus loves them. We sang a song a camp this week that I had never heard before. It wasn't very difficult to catch on to, and I immediately fell in love with it.
Here are the lyrics.
The savior of the world is coming
The savior of the world is coming doo-own
Come on Gabriel, go tell Mary
The Savior of the world is coming down
And He will be king!
And His kingdom will not end
And He will be called the son of the most hi-igh
He will come in love
And the world will never be the sa-ame
The Savior of the world is coming down!
I've been singing it all day, and I know one day I'll be teaching it to my newphews/ nieces/ children. For some reason, it's speaking to me, comforting me, and encouraging me, all in one.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
On Somalia, The World Food Program, and Dear0ne helping out

Saturday, July 23, 2011
On humanitarianism, following God's will and the media
I love humanitarian work. While I may have certain issues with Mission 'Trips,' the humanitarian work behind it is to be greatly respected. I feel a sense of pride when I see someone I know doing something, anything, to better our world, whether locally or internationally. And while I'm always looking for ways to help, I sometimes get discouraged when the things presented to me don't seem to be 'enough' or 'important enough.' Then here's what I realized. When my heart is tuned to God, He'll provide things to do, without me even looking for them. I work at a radio station. It's my job to build newscasts, record them on-air, and sometimes write the stories. While I'm in school, the stories I write have a distinctly humanitarian-feel to them. While I'm at work, however, stories are a little more limited. This morning, while looking for stories, I came accross one about the World Food Program (WFP) and their work in Somalia. Currently, because of militants, the WFP can't reach 60 per cent of the 3.7 million Somalis in need. (Here is a link to CTV's story on it with World Vision president Dave Toycen.) To me, this is an outrage. I respect the WFP, they were a big part of the Hunger Summit I attended earlier this year, and they made a bit of a lasting impact on me. The story got put in my newscast. Then, I realized I was totally doing a God-thing while at work. I work the in media, it's my job to let people know what's going on in the work. Honestly, I basically have a say over what IS and what ISN'T important in the world and local news for the few hours I'm at work. By putting a story about the WFP and people in need, I'm doing a humanitarian act. Perhaps just one of the many people (I'm not tooting my own horn, I work at the biggest news station in the area) listening will hear it and respond with prayer, a donation, or more. All because I followed what God had put in front of me.
I had a great conversation with a friend of mine a few nights ago. We were talking about trying to follow God's will and discerning what IS, what ISN'T and how to figure out which we should choose. She repeated something a friend had told her- God gives us choices. Sometimes neither one is more right or wrong than the other, and God would likely be just as pleased with either choice. But it's up to us to CHOOSE. To just pick one and keep moving forward. The conversation was days ago, but that part is still as fresh as if she had told me just a minute ago.
So sometimes, it really is no use worrying. Sometimes it's all about that first step, and following what our heart is telling us, not just our mind. Sometimes there is more than one right answer. We just need to pick the one that means more to us.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Creativity and Failures
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Tradeshow, tv interviews, and the feeling of acomplishment
Yesterday was the Summer Company trade show.
My table! Sweet Dear0ne sign, aprons, earrings, headbands, giraffes... |
The Summer Company tradeshow was my first official market that I've brought Dear0ne to (aside from Etsy, of course!), and what an experience! Imagine a group of a dozen students, between the ages of mid-teen to late twenties all sharing space under a tent to promote their entrepreneurial endeavors. Add some media, some local politicians, and some food, and you've got yourself quite a show! The purpose of the show, I'm lead to believe is to give those of trying our hands as entrepreneurs an opportunity to be out in the pubic promoting ourselves. For someone like me, who does enjoy talking and (although I rarely admit it) isn't a terrible salesperson when it's something I'm passionate about, a trade show where I get to do just that, ends up being actually somewhat enjoyable.
And to boot, I even had some sales! I got one of the other Summer Co. students to make me up some business cards, so I had a few opportunities to pass those out as well! And to top it all off, my boss even asked me to write the story up on it! Here's the published version, and I read it all day on the radio stations too! I did two tv interviews, one for Cogeco and one for Now, anyone who was around me during the time we worked on tv stories for school knows how I feel about being in front of the camera. For those who don't, I'd rather walk around with a paper bag over my head. The very idea of it freaks me out, and while I'm okay BEHIND the camera, being ON CAMERA is something completely different. Quite simply, I'm not a fan. So it was a big deal for me to gather the courage to do an interview in front of a camera not just once, but twice.
Regardless. I gained a ton of confidence in my items and Dear0ne (people actually bought my items! And they loved it!), was able to get some free promotion, and gained some ideas of what people are actually looking for. And I'm just buzzing with ideas of things I want to make now.
You who read this, if you have any ideas for new (or different) items, especially ones for back-to-school, please pass your ideas on to me! I'm always looking for clever ideas to appease my customers!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Julia the Giraffe
But here's what I most excited about (aside from the fact that I was on air and did NOT mess everything up!)
You can find them here:
and here:
OR. Just check out my store at
Saturday, June 4, 2011
A Celebrity Day
It started with a press conference with the former mayor who is now running for MPP. I've met him before a couple times and this time he finally remembered me! Next time we're hoping for a name recall. Later that day I met a two of the most well-know announcers at the station.
I call these people 'celebrities' only because their names are well-known. I've realized all a celebrity really is is just someone someone else puts on a pedestle. And at that, I don't expressively see the value.
But it made me think. What were people thinking when Jesus came through town? (see quote below) Were they filled with longing and wonder that their saviour was walking before them? Or

Former Governer General and Journalist Michaelle Jean and I.
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” "
-Luke 19: 35-38
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
On learning and knowledge Part I
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Coming To Projects Near You!!
My nieces are turning one in September, and my sister-in-law wants cute fall hats for them. With flowers. I assumed that meant I had four months to learn to crochet. Thus, my newest item was born.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
THE BEST Pasta Sauce Recipe
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Illustrated Man

Friday, May 20, 2011
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Why do I write about this? I guess I should explain. While looking up quilt stories, I came across this one; The Gracie Jane Project. ( Seeing as my nieces' names are Grace and Julia, I had to check it out. What followed was an emotional journey as I learned about one woman's ability to give back while doing something she loved- something I'd been turning over and over in my mind for awhile. Then, I happened to stumble upon this organization- Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS).

They take professional memory photos to help the parents remember their child and grieve for them, if their child will never have a life outside the hospital. I think of my twin nieces, and how tiny they were when they were born. And I'm so grateful they were perfect (small, but perfect), and only needed to spend a little extra time in the hospital to grow.
Here's a link that describes the organization a bit and the session available for parents/ families.
I keep thinking about how difficult and emotionally taxing it would be to photograph
someone(s) in a moment of such intense grief. But you know, if it were me, I'd love to have someone be willing to take photos of my child. I'm a photo person- I need one or three of every exciting (or not so exciting) moment. I think the reward of knowing you were able to aid in the overcoming of grief for someone would overcome your own emotions.
On a side note, here's the song that's been calling to me while I write this post. Jesus, Lover of my Soul- Kari Jobe
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Camels and Baboons and an Elephant, Oh My!
For the first time EVER, I went to the circus! There were brothers riding bikes in a ball, and a girl on an elephant, and husband and wife jugglers and even a woman on the silks! The area was full of noise and smells and lights and kids. Circus Mondo (, from Montreal, Quebec, joins performers (and animals) from all over the world. I can still taste the popcorn!
Plus, there were camel and elephant rides for the kids, brothers on bikes in a ball, dazzling costumes, a hula dancer, jugglers, and the smell of popcorn and cotton candy, of course!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Owl you need!

It was inspired by my friend Jo who I sometimes think may actually be an owl (the wise part, not the eating mice part). She loves owls more than anyone else I know- and at one point (perhaps this point hasn't actually passed yet?) wanted to decorate her room like a forest (sorry Jo, it makes the story so much better!).
It'll be up in my Etsy shop soon (I've been having some computer problems lately... I'm SO excited to get my new one. This lovely Dell has had issues since the day I brought it into my dorm room five years ago. Ugh.), as well as some other cute accessories I've been working on!
(Here's the link

This is much closer to the actual colour, my bathroom has slightly different lighting. (oops! Maybe I shouldn't have revealed that I take some of my photos in my bathroom!)

And a sweet bow in the back to keep everything together!
I love it so much I'd keep it for myself, aside from the fact that I already have more aprons than I can wear myself! Maybe I'll just have to make another one??
Day Six of Life Without Dave

Everytime I meet with someone I know, they ask about Dave and I. It's weird, I tell them. The first night I woke three times and had a hard time figuring out where I was. Apparently there's a big difference between the side of the bed and the middle. What else am I supposed to tell them? I've been watching mostly Disney movies because I don't want to see happy romantic couples because it makes me miss my husband? Or that the dishes have dwindled to less than half their size? For his program he MUST go on placement during his breaks between semsters. Kind of like being in a co-op program. Unfortunately, it just so happens he's good enough to win out over his classmates and get a great placement in another town. And maybe that's another reason I'm pursuing a flexible career- one that could take me anywhere.
On a better note, the King of Rock and Roll has taken up space in my home since Dave left. The dark-haired crooner seems to have filled some of the empty space, but nothing can compare to having my real-live husband around. But it makes me realize a few things about myself.
1. I do not hate rock and roll. James Durbin was starting to make me question. It's just the off-key screaming and swagger I don't like.
2. I really really love the 50's. The music, the drunk-uncle dancing, the skirts, the way everything seemed just a little easier, the way going out for ice cream or shakes was still cool, and the way young people were going to take over the world.
3. I adore my husband. And it's listening to his breathing (snoring, no) that I miss at night, that's made me unable to sleep for the past week.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Messy eaters prosper

I love my nieces. I really do. And for some odd reason, I think feeding them is fun (I checked with my mom, she can't remember any obsession I had with feeding dolls or stuffies...). But I always manage to get food all over them and myself. Unless I go at a p-a-i-n-f-u-l-l-y slow pace. I've even managed to get baby cereal in my own mouth once. (Thanks, baby girl.) So when I saw this, I fell in love with it. (It also could have something to do with the fact that I always have an apron on hand and should probably wear one even when I do the dishes...)
I love that the tutorial shows how to make your own bias tape... totally customizable. I'll post my own version when I finally complete one (or two, in my case)!
It's official!
From the email:
Hi Steph!
I just wanted to let you know that you have been approved to participate in Summer Company 2011!!! You should receive your check in a couple weeks.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sneakin' a little bit o' Jesus in...
(Note:*Two years ago two of my girlfriends and I went to an Emerson Drive concert, and were so impressed we decided to go again this month when they came to my town.*)
It suprised me so much to see them in the Christian bookstore that I HAD to check them out some more. Sure enough, they've got at least two songs that play to their Christian influences (I forget which branch they practice, but did mention some religious affiliation (as much as I despise using that term) when they performed). So here they are. The lyrics to 'Somebody Like Me' and 'Plastic Jesus.'
Somebody Like Me
(Neil Thrasher / Michael Boggs)
That congregation parted like the red sea
When that old drunk stumbled in down the aisle and took seat
Right in the middle of amazing grace
He could feel the judgment that they were passing
Thought to himself, ain't that just like a bunch of Baptists
He'd rather be on the street than in this place, with tears on his face
You'd think somebody would put their arm around him
You'd think somebody would hit a knee
Pull him in say a prayer
You think somebody would practice what they're preaching
I wonder who that somebody might be
Probably somebody like me
Well he's got problems nobody wants a part of
When he got up and slipped out nobody stood up
They don't want to make a scene so they let him walk out of there
Without a prayer You'd think somebody would do something different
You'd think somebody would go against the grain
Be the one to run him down, bring him back and turn him around
You think somebody would want to make a difference
I wonder who that somebody might be
Probably somebody like me
Plastic Jesus
(Here's the link...)
Catt Gravitt/James LeBlanc)
Bouncin' on the dashboard
Boppin' to the beat
To every bump in the road
Every hole in the street
Bought him at the Walmart
Got 'em on sale
The last one sittin' there dusty on the shelf
It's just a tiny figurine....
But are we missin' what it means....
We got crosses on our necks
Bibles in hand
When the sun comes out
We make our own plans
We pull him out when we need him
Put him back when we're done
Ain't no way to treat god's only son....
If we only wanna hear him
When his words will please us
Then we might as well be prayin' to a
Plastic Jesus
Ol' Miss Jackson
At the end of the block
She built her life
Upon that rock
Everyday of the week
She walks that walk
And when she goes to speak
The spirit talks
It do us some good to heed that warning
It ain't just about Sunday morning
Lord, knows we'd be better off
If we could just surrender all....
Canada Votes 2011

After last night's election and all the hubub that went along with it, I was really curious to see what God had to say about people in power. I've spent much of this election talking to people about who they support and why, and I've found that it really depends on the person. I've found lots of "If for no other reason, I'm voting for this person/party because..." and lots of "If for no other reason, I'm NOT voting for this person/party because..." I've talked to Liberal supporters, Conservative supporters, a Green Party supporter, and even sat with NDP supporters while we waited for the election results. What I really don't understand is how, even after the results, people can still say that Harper was wrong to say that no one wanted this election, or that I'm wrong when I tell them the word on the street was that Iggy was loosing support. I followed the polls, but I talked to people. I listened to their reasons and watched the debate. But the worst was the arrogance of the people who told me their vote wouldn't make a difference anyways, so they're not even going to try. In my riding, the Liberals and Conservatives were separated by only 14 votes. If 14 of those apathetic people had gone out and voted, we could be looking at a very different representation. But here's what God has to say on the subject;
" Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."-Romans 13:1-2
I guess that just about sums it up, doesn't it?!
*On one final note, here's the article I wrote about the NDP post-election party!! My first published freelance job!
Play-doh and nephew love

I tried telling a story with some of the cut-out shapes (which is when he decided ripping the heads off things was fun). Apparently Goldilocks and the three bears isn't as interesting as I thought it was.
My teddy bear looks more like the wolf when it ate Grandma. Yes, that's the shape of a person on it's flattened belly.

After my failed storytelling attempt, I saw a photo of a car on the box. Thinking I could make something like that with my limited skills, I made a cute little red car. Now, if there's one thing my nephew loves, it's cars. His bed is full of them because he can never seem to just take one to bed. When he realized I had a car and he didn't, he insisted I make one for him as well. (Of course, I should have guessed that playdoh cars would start a new trend...) It didn't take long before we were racing our cars across the table and crashing them into things. The problem started when my
nephew would begin to squeeze the life out of his car, thereby not only elongating it, but also causing it to lose one (or more) of it's wheels. Eventually we just had to make trucks with back-up wheels. The point of this story? Little boys are hilarious. And Aunties should always know how to play with cars. (And even how to build them if necessary!
Our conversations went something like this:
Him: Vroom! CRASH! Hahahahaha....
Me: Did you just smash my car?
Him: Hahahaha...
Our cars were amazing... mine was the red convertible...

Also, for those of you wishing to make your own classy playdoh cars, here's how it goes:
Step one: Create a rectangular prism. Your discresion as to how long, wide, tall or squarish.
Step two: Flatten one end slightly to create a windshield.
Step three: Flatten the other side to create the back. This is where you can make it a truck, or a convertible, or a bug.... just by how far down you flatten it.
Step four: Create four (or five if you want a spare) little ball and get your kid to press their thumb right in the middle.
Step five: Squish the tires onto the car and you're ready to Vroom!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Somebody's been messin' with the stone!!
I wish I was clever enough to be able to claim the above title as my own, but alas, I had to *borrow* it from a friend. She is clever enough to claim it as her own.
"Romans 12
A Living Sacrifice
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.Humble Service in the Body of Christ
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.Love in Action
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Monday, April 18, 2011
On praying when things get rough.
I don't particularly enjoy when my faith gets tested, and when someone basically tells me to either shrink down to stand behind my beliefs, no matter the cost. Quite frankly, I find it unnerving, scary even.
I've been thinking a lot about why I feel I don't fit in, why I feel like I'm at a crossroads between two places, and I'm one of the few who meets in the middle. But I realized, at the heart of any cross (whether it be a road, an X or a t), Christ is right in the middle. I don't feel as if we're young enough to belong to 'youth group' types, yet not mature enough to belong to the married club. I just don't quite fit. So I guess I'd better just keep digging right in the middle of that cross, deeper into Jesus.
It's amazing just how relevant the Bible really is. I opened to one book and found no less than five messages I needed to hear. And it wasn't as if I was searching high and low for them. They just... found me. When I needed them the most. But that's the way God works, he lets you find Him when you need Him most. Or, He just picks you up and carries you through it.
I don't love Justin Bieber. But I'm learning to respect him. Because of this.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My baby is waiting...

Monday, April 11, 2011
Sometimes Friends
That's the kind of relationship blogs and I have. I read them when I think of it, and write them when I feel like it. But it works. Blogging isn't a demanding friend.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
We are the World
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I am praying for this child, and the Lord, one day, will grant me what I ask of Him.
To bide my time I write letters to our not-yet daughter. One day she'll read them. For now, I'll spoil my nieces and nephews with kisses and hugs and play dates and more laughter than either one of us know what to do with.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Encouragement Two Weeks Later
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Basically, my understanding is that after 30 years with the same ruler, and the caste system getting worse, many Egyptians are tired of being forced to live the way they do. So, they did what anyone in this generation would do; organize a peaceful protest. Through the use of Facebook and Twitter (of which I'm not usually a fan), people organized a protest to happen in the streets of the country's capital, Cairo. Soon it became less peaceful as police used water cannons and tear gas to rid the streets of the protesters. Sure enough, things escalated. Their president has informed everyone he will not run in the next election, some seven months from now, but will remain in office until then. This has the country divided as supporters have now not only joined the throng, but with increased tensions, the two sides have begun to physically fight each other.
This would be considered a man-made disaster, I guess. However, it'll be interesting to see the results from around the world. School trips have been cancelled, journalists have been captured, and the streets of Cairo are a disaster. Lives from every side have been taken. All because people were tired of the way they were living and tried to take their voice back; the only way they knew how, and the only way that would be effective.
I'm not sure why God put Egypt on my heart, I'm really not. But I know I love it, think about it every day, and may have more then I know waiting for me. Egypt is one of the most-referenced countries in the Bible. It's obviously important. So for now, all I can do is pray while I wait upon the Lord.
To end, here's a song that comes back to me time and time again.
"While I'm Waiting" -John Waller- from the movie FIREPROOF
PS. How does Egypt's revolt affect the rest of the world? This is what I just learned: China has blocked Egypt tweets. Perhaps they're afraid of their own revolt? Read the article here: